Week Two


Week Two Progress:

In this session we continued work on the metal detecting circuit. This involved lots of research on which type of metal detecting circuit to use and how to make the coil strong enough to detect metal objects beneath it. We decided to use a pulse generating circuit rather than a low frequency type circuit since... We also made progress with writing the metal detector code for the arduino so that it could interpret information it was gathering from the metal detecting coil.

We started work on the chassis design. A decision needed to be made on whether to use 3D printing or simple laser cutting for the bulk of the chassis. The chassis has some basic requiremtns. It needs to have enough space for all of the components as well as a way to attach the components to the chassis. There also needs to be enough space between the front and back pair of wheels as well as amount of clearance between the bottom of the robot and the surface that its driving on, so that it can drive over other small objects/obsticles. We decided that laser cutting would be appropiate for the chassis design that we wanted.

We also improved the robot driving code, now introducing the ultrasonic sensor so that the robot can also avoid objects.

Example of driving anf sensor circuit on a breadboard [1]

Problems/ Concerns:

Getting the metal detecting circuit to be strong enough is proving to be more difficult and time consuming than initially planned. We're considering ordering a designated module for the metal detection part of the car so that we have time to make a working protoype of the car. Wer continue to work on metal detector coil prototypes in the meantime. 

Plan for Week Three:

We should have the metal detector circuit design finished and the chassis design completed and ready for printing.The driving code is pretty much finished and just needs to be polished next week.


[1] A. Abdul Jabbaar. (2019, Sep. 17). Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 with Arduino Tutorial [Online]. Available: https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/abdularbi17/ultrasonic-sensor-hc-sr04-with-arduino-tutorial-327ff6


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